Curry Stenger Engineering has been providing award winning structural design as prime design professional or structural consultant to the public and private sectors for over five decades. Our mission has always been to use our knowledge, experience, and judgement to create innovative, cost effective structural solutions responsive to the needs of the client while upholding the professional and ethical standards demanded by our responsibility to protect the general health and safety of the public.
Our portfolio of work includes:
New Buildings – Residential, Commercial, Institutional, Retail, Government
Existing Buildings – Additions, Remodels, Seismic Upgrades
​Historic Structures – Retrofit, Adaptive Reuse, Replication
Damage Repair – Soil Movement, Earthquake, Water, Fire, Structural Failure, Deterioration
Waterfront – Piers, Wharves, Quay walls, Offshore Structures, Floating Structures
Specialty Structures – Beach Access, Arenas, Bridges, Training Tanks, Fiberglass Structures, Retaining Structures
A significant portion of the work of Curry Stenger Engineering involves the structural investigation and evaluation of existing structures. Over the years, we have provided consulting services to a wide array of clients including homeowners, building owners, private investors, private institutions, public entities, insurance companies and attorneys. Mr. Curry has been providing expert services related to litigation since 1981 and Mr. Stenger has acted as a designated expert since 2000.
Clients Represented: Property Owners, Homeowners Associations, Developers, Contractors, Design Professionals, Insurance Companies, Municipalities, Real Estate Professionals
Consulting services provided by CSE:
Insurance Investigations – First Party Claims, Appraisals
Structural Damage Evaluations
Peer Review
Seismic Studies
Post-Earthquake Damage Evaluations
Due Diligence Studies
PML (Probable Maximum Loss) Studies
Expert services related to litigation